Analyzing Coverage in the Graphical View

From the Coverage graphical view, you can analyze the traceability links covering the elements of the scope traceability channel.

For more information about the traceability computation, see About Traceability Computation.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Enter the Coverage view. For more information, see Entering the Coverage View.

Display Structure and Impact Views

To display more links for the active element, switch between these two views.

  1. Select an element.
  2. From the context toolbar, click one of the following commands:
    Structure view

    The structure view is useful to create links. It displays:

    • The structure of the root elements that are linked with the traceability channel
    • The links between elements in the structure.

    Impact view

    The impact view is useful to analyze impact before modification. It displays:

    • The structure of the active element
    • On the left: The target linked elements (recursively)
    • On the right: The source linked elements (recursively)

    Important: Linked elements that are displayed are those that are recursively target (on the left) and recursively source (on the right) for the active element.

    For example, in the screenshot above:

    • Elements are those that are target links for elements , themselves linked as target with the active element .
    • Structure displays only those elements that are linked with structure .
    • Structure displays only those elements that are linked with structure .

    • The default view depends on the element you activate. When displaying:
      • The root node: the Structure view is displayed

      • A child level of the root node: the Impact view is displayed.

    • When changing the view display and then navigate:
      • From the work area, the view selection is applied to all elements
      • From the tree, the view selection is applied to the selected element only

Filter the Structure Elements

  1. To filter the structure, select an element and click one of these contextual commands:
    Keep Object Keeps the branch of the selected element (parent and child levels).
    Hide Object Hides the selected element and its children from the structure.

    Tip: To unhide these objects, click Restore Complete View .

  2. To display specific elements in the selected structure:
    1. Enter a string in the Quick Filter box.
    2. Press Enter.
    3. To remove the string, click Erase .

    • The elements with this string in their title, description or properties are highlighted with a strong yellow.
    • The closed elements containing such elements in their unexpanded structure are highlighted with a light yellow.
    • The other elements are hidden.

Display Covering and Coverage Ratio

  1. Select a traceability label (percentage).
  2. In the properties area, expand the Details section.

    • Coverage Ratio: The number of covered requirements versus the total number of requirements in this document.
      Note: This is the same value as displayed in the traceability label, with one more digit.
    • Covering Ratio: The number of covering requirements versus the total number of requirements in this document.