My Profile

You can view and edit your own profile information.

Required access roles: All

To access this page, perform one of these tasks:

  • From the top bar, select > My Profile. Edit any of the available fields and click Done. Some fields do not allow you to change the values. This table lists the fields you can modify.

See Also
In Other Guides
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Field Name Description
Office Phone Telephone number where person can be reached at work.
Home Phone Home telephone number.
Pager Pager number.
Fax Fax number.
System Generated Mail Preference Select the language to use when sending system-generated emails.
Web Site Add the URL for the person's web site.
Host Meetings Choose whether or not the person can host an online meeting.
Address Street address.
City City
State/Region State or region.
Postal Code Zip code, or other postal code.
Absence Start Date Usually entered by the person when they will be out of the office. Select a start date from the calendar.
Absence End Date Select an end date from the calendar.
Absence Delegate Choose the person to act in this person's behalf during an absence.
Site Choose a site from the drop-down list.
JT Viewer Preference Choose a viewer app from the drop-down list.
Date Format Choose format used to display dates to the person from the drop-down list.
List Separator Choose None, comma, or semi-colon from the drop-down list.
Mail Code Enter any internal mail code for the person.
Title Enter the person's title, which may be their job title.
IMDS Contact ID Only shows if Materials Compliance Management is used. User ID if this user is defined as an IMDS Contact for their company.