Removing an Item from a Bookmark

The item owner and anyone with Remove access for a Bookmark or Sub Bookmark can remove an item from the Bookmark or Sub Bookmark. Files that are locked for edit and any item in a route cannot be removed until they are unlocked or removed from the route.

Before you begin: List the content for the Bookmark. See Bookmarks Page.
See Also
In Other Guides
About Removing Content
  1. Select the items that you want to remove.
  2. Click Remove from the page Actions menu or page toolbar.
  3. Choose how to remove the item:

    Note: This dialog box only displays if the item you selected to remove is a document. For other items, the item is just removed.

    • To remove all versions of the item from the Bookmark but not delete it, choose Remove the selections from the Bookmark, but leave them in the database. If the document is in no other Bookmark, it becomes an unmanaged file.
    • To have the system attempt to also delete all versions of the item from the database, choose Remove the selections from the Bookmark and try to permanently delete the selections from the database if they do not have other references. See the table at the top of this topic for the kinds of items the item cannot be connected to delete it.
  4. Click Done.

    If you chose to remove the items only, the system removes them from the Bookmark.

    If you chose to remove the items and delete them, the system attempts to delete them. If you do not have Remove access to one or more of the items, the entire process fails and no changes are made, including removals from the Bookmark. If you still want to remove the items, you can repeat the above procedure and choose only to remove the items. If you have Remove access but one or more items could not be deleted because they are connected to other items, the system lists the items that could not be deleted.