Issue Categories and Classifications

Issue Category and Classification provide the organization the ability to organize or group issues by functional or technical categories. You can use this page to create and manage categories and classifications for your organization.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Owner, Administrator
  • App-specific: Administration Manager

To access this page:

  1. Make Collaboration and Approvals the active app.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Collaboration and Approvals > Issue Categories and Classification.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Page Toolbar Icons


Column Name Description
Name The name of the category or classification. You can expand a category to view the classifications related to that category.
Description Descriptive information about the purpose fo the category or classification.
Type Issue Category or Issue Classification.
Issue Owned By For Issue Classifications only, shows the name of the Issue Manager, Author, or Contributor who will be assigned the Issue when this classification is used for an Issue.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Name Description For More Information
Create Issue Category Creates a new category. You must have the Administrator access role.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Create Issue Category .
  2. Enter a Name and Description for the category.
  3. Click Done.

Create New Classification Creates a new classification. You must have the Administrator access role.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the category this classification will be related to.
  2. Click Create New Classification .
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the classification.
  4. For the Issue Owned By field, click . Search for and select the name of the person who will be assigned Issues that use this classification.
  5. Click Done.

Add Existing Classification Adds an existing classification to the selected category. Predefined Queries
Delete Deletes the selected category or classification. Deleting a category also deletes all of its classifications.

For a classification, if any other categories use that classification, the classification is removed from the selected category without affecting any other category.

Enable Edit / Disable Edit Toggles between enabling and disabling edit mode. In edit mode, you can edit the name and descriptions. For Issue Classifications, you can select a new Issue Owned By person. -