Name |
The name of the country. |
Type |
The item type (country). |
State |
The current lifecycle state:
State |
Description |
Active |
The country is available to
be added to a region. |
Inactive |
The country is not available
for use. |
Code |
2 Letter |
The 2-letter ISO code for the country. |
3 Letter |
The 3-letter ISO code for the country. |
Country Number |
The 3-digit ISO numeric code for the
country. |
Continent Code |
A 2-letter code representing the continent
where the country is located:
Code |
Continent |
AF |
Africa |
AN |
Antarctica |
AS |
Asia |
EU |
Europe |
NA |
North America |
OC |
Oceania |
SA |
South America |
Information These columns only show when Market Registration is installed. |
Countries |
The number of countries that this country
follows for regulatory approvals. Click to view the
list. |
Countries |
The number of countries that follow this
country for regulatory approvals. Click to view the
list. |
Authorizations |
The number of market authorizations associated
with this country. Click to view the list. |
Description |
The official name of the country. For example,
for the country "United States", the description is "United
States of America." |