Countries Page

An Organization Manager or Administrator can associate countries with regions. The app includes countries defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO).

On premises only: Your Business Administrator can create new country objects. You cannot create countries from the app.
Note: Some apps also use this page to list the countries associated with another item, such as countries where a product is sold.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Administrator
  • App-specific: Organization Manager

To access the list of all countries:

  1. From the Compass, select Collaboration and Approvals.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Geography Configuration.
  3. Select the Countries page tab.

To access the list of countries related to another country:

  1. View the list of all countries.
  2. Click the name of a country.
  3. In the navigation pane, click Related Countries.

    You only see this category if you have Market Registration installed.

  4. View the Leading Countries or Following Countries page tab.

To access the list of countries related to a region:

  1. Open the required region. See Regions Page.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Countries.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Page Toolbar Icons


The list of countries for a region only shows the name, description, state and new window columns.

Section Column Name Description
Name The name of the country.
Type The item type (country).
State The current lifecycle state:

State Description
Active The country is available to be added to a region.
Inactive The country is not available for use.

Country Code 2 Letter The 2-letter ISO code for the country.
3 Letter The 3-letter ISO code for the country.
Country Number The 3-digit ISO numeric code for the country.
Continent Code A 2-letter code representing the continent where the country is located:

Code Continent
AF Africa
AN Antarctica
AS Asia
EU Europe
NA North America
OC Oceania
SA South America

Regulatory Information

These columns only show when Market Registration is installed.

Leading Countries The number of countries that this country follows for regulatory approvals. Click to view the list.
Following Countries The number of countries that follow this country for regulatory approvals. Click to view the list.
Market Authorizations The number of market authorizations associated with this country. Click to view the list.
Description The official name of the country. For example, for the country "United States", the description is "United States of America."

Actions/Toolbar Commands for a Country

The list of countries for a region does not have any actions available.

Action Description For More Information
Remove Selected Language Remove the language selected in the Countries page tab from that country. Click OK to confirm.

You cannot remove a language from a country if that combination has been used for a submission or regulatory request in Market Registration.

Add To Selected Region Add the country selected in the Countries page tab to the region selected in the Regions page tab. You cannot add the same country to a region twice. Adding Countries to a Region