Bookmark Properties Page

Anyone in the Bookmark Root can view information about a Bookmark, including its basic properties, content, Sub Bookmarks, routes, and discussions. The Properties page for a Sub Bookmark is the same as the Properties page for a Bookmark.

If you use Process Composer, see the Process Composer User's Guide for information about this page.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Contributor
  • App-specific: All

To access this page:

  1. Open the required Bookmark. See Opening a Bookmark.
  2. To view information for a Sub Bookmark, in the Bookmark list, click the plus sign (+) next to the Bookmark you want to view Sub Bookmarks for, and click the name of the Sub Bookmark.


    In the navigation pane, click Sub Bookmark. Continue drilling down until you see the Content page for the Sub Bookmark you want to view information for.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Properties.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Page Toolbar Icons


Field Name Description
Title The title of the Bookmark or Sub Bookmark. Top-level Bookmarks within a Bookmark Root cannot have the same title. Sub Bookmarks within a Bookmark or Sub Bookmark also cannot have the same title. Sub Bookmarks can have the same title if they are within different Bookmarks or Sub Bookmarks.
Name The name of the Bookmark or Sub Bookmark.
Owner The person who creates a Bookmark or Sub Bookmark becomes the owner but that person can reassign ownership to another person or to the Bookmark Root owner. The owner can be the person with primary responsibility for the Bookmark.
Originated The date and time the Bookmark was created.
Description The intent or purpose of the Bookmark.
Inherit Access Indicates if a Bookmark or Sub Bookmark inherits member access from its parent. If Yes, the Bookmark or Sub Bookmark inherits accesses. If No, access for the Bookmark or Sub Bookmark is set explicitly for that Bookmark.

You cannot edit this field: the access level cannot be changed after creating the Bookmark.

Publish On Connect The published state varies depending on the type of item, and not all items have a published state defined.

Option Description
True When an item is added to the Bookmark, promotes the item to its published state.

This occurs for items added to the Bookmark using the Copy, Move, or Add Existing menu or toolbar commands.

False No promotion is executed for items added to the Bookmark.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Edit Edits the properties.

You must have the Author or Contributor access role.

Users with the same credentials as the person who created the Bookmark have the same access to the content, but only the owner (person who created it) can edit the properties (such as changing the title).

Clone Structure Creates a copy of the Bookmark and its content. Creating Bookmarks
Subscribe Subscribes to be notified when certain events occur for the Bookmark or Sub Bookmark.

Subscriptions apply only to the Bookmark; they are not inherited by objects added to the Bookmark. Use the properties page for the individual object to subscribe to events for the object.

Push Subscription Has the system notify other Bookmark Root members when certain events occur for the Bookmark or Sub Bookmark. Only available for the Bookmark or Sub Bookmark owner. Pushing Subscriptions to Other Members