- Computation
- Parting Line analyzes the results of the pulling direction, computes a silhouette and proposes a solution:
- For a main pulling direction, all the edges of the shape that separates the Core from the Cavity are used.
- For a secondary pulling direction, all the edges that separate the Core from the other sides are used.
- In both cases, if the parting line does not form a closed curve, a silhouette is computed, and edges from this silhouette are taken to close the parting line. For example, in the image below, the edges shown by the red arrows are added to the parting line because they separate the Core from the Cavity, while the edges shown by the blue arrows are added from the silhouette, to close the parting line.

- Parting Line from Pulling Direction
- A silhouette is computed from the pulling direction output:
- For the main pulling direction, all the edges of the shape that separate the core from the cavity are used to create the parting line.
- For a secondary pulling direction, all the edges of the shape that separate the core from the other sides are used to create the parting line.
- Edges from the computed silhouette are used to close the parting line, if required.
- Parting Line from a Shape and one Edge
- Il the edge selected on the shape does not form a closed curve, click one arrow, and chain edges as proposed.
- Closing an Open Curve
- In addition to chaining edges, the context toolbar lets you create missing geometry such as a reflect line, a spline, ...
- Output
- Each parting line and its geometry is created in a PartingLine Set node under SetOfPartingLines.