The Merge Assistant Dialog Box
The Merge Assistant dialog box opens
when clicking Merge Assistant .
Choose one of the following visualization options available in the dialog box:
Options to select:
- Updated: The shared feature already exists in the receiver's representation but the sent version seems to be more recent. When activated, all the updated features are displayed.
- Older: The shared feature already exists in the receiver's representation but the sent version seems to be older. If the receiver merges the sent feature, modifications made can be lost. When activated, all the older features are displayed.
- Conflict: The shared feature already exists but modifications have been made by the sender and the receiver simultaneously. When activated, all the features that are in conflict are displayed.
- New: the shared feature does not exist in the receiver's representation. When activated all new features are displayed.
- Same: The shared feature is the same as the one in the receiver's representation. When activated, all the sent features that are the same as the ones that already are in the receiver's representation are displayed.
The box list:
- Merge View: Displays all the features to be merged. It is the default mode.
- Not Merged View : Displays all the features that are not to be merged.