You can simultaneously work with several designers.
Your shared feature may then contain features coming from several representations. You can synchronize your shared feature with several representations.
In the following scenario you are Designer B and work with Designer A and Designer C.
- You received a pad, Pad.1, coming from the representation RepDesignerA from Designer A
- You received another pad, Pad.2, coming from RepDesigner3 from Designer C
- You want to update your shared feature accordingly.
Reproduce the following scenario to update your shared feature accordingly.
- Log in to the PLM Workplace.
- Right-click the menu icon on the user description and select Synchronize current part.
The version of the representation used to perform the share is the last saved in database. To retrieve changes that are not saved, standard online share and merge actions should be performed.
The Select Source dialog box appears indicating you the representations with which you can synchronize.
- Click OK when satisfied.
- Click the synchronization message to access the Merge Assistant command.
You can exclude the features you do not need to update your feature.