About Points

This topic provides you with information about points and their customization.

This page discusses:

General Information

You can create and manage different kinds of points depending of what you need in your design.

  • Survey Point: geometric points that can be on or outside the alignment. They do not defined any geometry and have no overloaded specifications. Survey points can be geolocated points.
  • Key Point: start and end points of geometries or PI (point of intersection). A PI is the virtual intersection between start and end tangents of a corner.
  • Event point: points on which specifications have been overloaded such as speed, distribution. Station equation points are considered as event points.

You can double-click a point to edit it. A dialog box appears and lets you modify the following options, depending on the selected point:

  • Output: lets you choose whether you want to display this point outside the alignment sketch.
  • Stationing: lets you define the positioning of the current point according to the start point or station equation point. The Stationing option is displayed in the dialog box but not editable for key points and event points.
  • Description: lets you customize the display of points. You can either enter the value of your choice or type one of the available labels:
    • %a: refers to the default description available in the preferences of the Visualization panel. For more information, see Preferences.
    • %s: displays the stationing
    • %d: displays the distance from the start point
    • %i: displays the index number of the PI.
    • %v: displays the velocity if this specification has been defined
    • %c: displays the category if this specification has been defined
    • %t: displays the type if this specification has been defined
    • %r: displays the radius of the first incident circle
    • %w: displays the width of the roadway
    • %E: displays the easting position for geolocated points
    • %N: displays the northing position for geolocated points
  • Display Specification: lets you display all the specifications in the dialog box. This option is available only in horizontal alignments.
  • Type: lets you define the type of infrastructure.
  • Index: lets you define a number for PI.

Horizontal Alignment

The table below indicates which options are available depending on the type of point in a horizontal alignment.

Type of Point Output Stationing Description Display Specification Type Index
Survey point if the point is outside the alignment
if the point is on the alignment
Key point
Event point
Note: Specifications are displayed by default.

Vertical Alignment

The table below indicates which options are available depending on the type of point in a vertical alignment.

Type of Point Output Stationing Description Type Index
Survey point if the point is outside the alignment
if the point is on the alignment
Key point
if the key point is a PI
Event point