Civil Engineering 3D Design

Civil Engineering 3D Design complements Building and Civil Assemblies and Terrain Preparation apps by providing a set of tools based on the Generative Wireframe and Surface, Part Design, FreeStyle Shape Design, Functional Plastic Parts, and Space Referential to leverage Building and Civil Assemblies projects.

See Also
What's New
Civil Engineering 3D Design Basics
In Other Guides

Civil Engineering 3D Design provides a feature-based approach that offers a productive and intuitive design environment to civil engineering 3D designers. They can easily capture and re-use design methodologies and specifications. For an overview of the user interface, see Action Bar.

This product might use or depict Intellectual Property (IP) protected data. It is the user’s responsibility to safeguard the IP protected data when allowing others to view, export, or print the data. This includes the thumbnail representations of parts or assemblies used in markup screens. For more information on the use of IP Protection and safeguarding IP Protected data, see Social and Collaborative: Enterprise Modeling and Execution: IP Controlled Access.