You can expose, synchronize and upgrade the view of the component
specifications by processing either the feature-based design (user feature) or
the product-based design (engineering template or reference) or both objects.
Before you begin:
Select Keep link with selected object under External
References in Me > Preferences > 3D Shape Infrastructure > General.
To be exposed in the database, a component specification must be
published by its containing representation. This publication must be a
specialized publication, such as those created by the
Capture Component Specification command. For
more information, see
Civil Engineering 3D Design:
Defining Component Specification Features
Open a product that contains civil engineering components based on object
From the Component section of the action bar, click Change Level of
The component specifications to process are displayed and organized in
columns as follows.
Specifications: Lists the features to be exposed.
Object Type: Lists the object types associated
with the specifications listed in the first column.
Exposed feature: Lists the user features that
implement the specifications in the representation. If not exposed yet
the cell displays <Not exposed>.
Exposed product: Lists products that implement
the specifications at PLM level. If not exposed yet the cell displays
<Not exposed>.
You can filter each column list using the search and status icon filter.
In the dialog box, filter the type of objects to process:
Feature: Only features are updated or
Product: Only products are updated or
To add or remove a specification from the list of objects, select
or clear the specification check box.
By default, all the check boxes are unchecked. The number of
objects to process is indicated next to the Process
To filter the number of objects to process, enter a string in the
Search field.
To display the selected lines only, click
next to the list.
If you remove the filter, only the previously selected objects
are checked.
To filter the list of objects by status, click
Filter and choose from the status options.
Status Option
The implementing object is synchronized with its specification.
No implementing object and the specification is fully defined. You
can expose the specification at the requested level (feature or
The implementing object is not synchronized with its specification.
The specification and product are not defined by the same
object type.
The specification and the user feature do not share the
same inputs and or parameters.
All specification inputs are not linked to BIM attributes.
Some inputs or parameters, or both are missing in the specification.
You cannot expose it.
Update error
An error occurred either during the instantiation of the implementing
object or the update, or both.
Not applicable
The specification is not defined by an object type, or its
associated object type does not allow the requested exposition.
Search for a specific item by a portion of its name.
Select the required actions to perform from the following:
Expose: To create the feature or
product that implements the specifications.
Synchronize: To start an update operation of
a feature or a product on the objects that implement the specifications.
Upgrade: If you have an Object Type with a different revision,
you can reference this new revision for your specification. Then you will
need to click Synchronize so that the features and
PLM objects are updated.
You can
upgrade the Object Type through other commands such as:
To upgrade an object and define it by the latest revision of an
Object Type, you can click the Upgrade command in
the BIM Attributes panel.
Clean: Deletes the exposition feature
or the PLM exposition with associated rules, engineering connections and
impacts. This command is exclusive, that is if it is checked, the other buttons
are unchecked. If
Synchronize or
Upgrade are checked, then
Clean is unchecked.
The deleted specifications can be identified through their
remaining publications that are displayed in the
Specification column. A red symbol
replaces the specification icon, and the name of the
publication replaces the one of the deleted specification. When you hover over
it, there is a tooltip giving you more details about the Object Type.
The yellow symbol
in the
Object Type column means that the Object
Type assigned to the specification is not the latest possible revision. Using
the latest revision is not compulsory; if you want to use it, you need to
You can also launch the
Upgrade command at the feature level in
Capture Component Specifications window.
Process to launch the selected actions.
The defined scope of specifications displayed in the list
are processed.
Diagnose the incidents by hovering over the icon status, and update the
specifications accordingly.