Highlighting Instances with Different Effectivity

You can select all the instances in a product structure that have different effectivity expression on one model as compared to the initially selected instance.

Before you begin: Open a configured product structure in Product Structure Design work area. For more information about opening, see Product Structure Design User Guide: Working with Products: Opening a Product.
See Also
Highlighting Instances with Same Effectivity
Highlighting Instances from the Configuration Criteria
  1. From the standard area of the action bar, click Menu Bar.
    The context menu appears.
  2. To select the authoring context of your choice, select View > Toolbars > App Options.
    The App Options panel appears.
  3. Select an instance of your choice in the product structure and click Select Instances with Different Effectivity in the in the Configuration Analysis area of the App Options panel.

    All the instances having different effectivity expression (including no expression) from the selected instance are highlighted (in both the tree and in 3D). You can further expand your product structure to see if any unexpanded instances are highlighted by your analysis.