Displaying Configuration Effectivity Using B.I. Essentials
You can view effectivities from different models including the Global effectivity in Product Structure Design and Product Finderapps.
Before you begin: Open a configured product structure in Product Structure Designwork area or
explore the configured product structure in the Product Finderwork area.
Select a product instance of your choice, to view the effectivity definition.
To access the B.I. Essentials list, from the Tools
section of the action bar, click B.I. Essentials.
The B.I. Essentials panel appears.
Select Configuration Effectivity.
Color shading is applied to each instance in the product structure
and 3D geometry to indicate the
effectivity information.
The following table lists the effectivity information displayed in the B.I.
Essentials list with reference to colors:
Contains the Evolution criteria
Contains the Variants/ Option criteria
Contains both the Evolution and Variants criteria
Contains non-validated Change criteria
No effectivity
The label displays detailed information about the selected product
instance, the current and projected effectivity if Change criteria are
You can only view the red legend in the product structure
tree and 3D geometry if change information is available.
When the effectivity cache is not synchronized, a message appears in the top right corner of the screen indicating that the effectivity is not synchronized.
You can customize the effectivity display by applying a style sheet (.xsl). For more information about Effectivity Display Customization, see Native Apps Preferences
Guide: Infrastructure: Configuration.