Deleting an Existing Predefined Configuration

You can delete predefined configurations of a product. These predefined configurations are available from an authoring work area.

Before you begin: Open the Properties dialog box of a configured product structure in Product Structure Design work area. For more information about the tabs in the Properties dialog box, see Collaborative Lifecycle User's Guide: Modifying Attributes: About Properties.
See Also
Specifying Predefined Configurations
Viewing Predefined Configurations
Modifying an Existing Predefined Configuration
  1. Select the Configuration tab.
  2. Select a predefined configuration, and then click Delete Predefined Configuration .
    The selected predefined configuration is removed from the list of current predefined configurations for the product.
    Note: It is impossible to delete predefined configurations if:
    • the predefined configuration is instantiated in a parent product.
    • the predefined configuration is used in a persistent filter.

    A message appears if you need to delete a predefined configuration that satisfies any of these conditions.

    Important: You must complete the next steps to save your modifications because the removal of the selected predefined configuration is not automatically saved in the database.
  3. To exit the Properties dialog box, click:
    • Apply to validate the changes in the session.
    • OK to validate the changes in the session and close the dialog box.
    • Close to discard the changes.
  4. To save the modifications, select Share > Save > Save.
    The Save dialog box appears.

    For more information about propagate option, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Working on Objects: Saving: Saving Objects.