Modifying an Existing Predefined Configuration

You can modify the criteria and attributes of predefined configurations associated with a particular product. These predefined configurations are available from an authoring work area.

Before you begin: Open the Properties dialog box of a configured product structure in the Product Structure Design work area. For more information about the Properties dialog box, see Collaborative Lifecycle User's Guide: Modifying Attributes: About Properties.
See Also
Viewing Predefined Configurations
Deleting an Existing Predefined Configuration
  1. Select the Configuration tab.
  2. Select a predefined configuration, and then click Edit Predefined Configuration .
  3. In the Edit - ProductCfg1- Properties dialog box, click Next.
  4. In the New - Predefined Configuration - Expression dialog box, complete the following tasks: Select the Evolution Criteria for the Predefined Configuration, Select Variant/Option Criteria from Multiple Model Versions or Select Variant/Option Criteria from a Single Model Version, and Save the Predefined Configuration.