About the Open Command

This section provides you with more information on the Open command.

This page discusses:

Object Types

The structure opened when running the Open command depends on the object type.

You can open three types of objects:

  • Product (3D Shapes, 3D Parts, drawings, engineering specifications, mechanisms, and reviews)
  • PPR
  • RFLP

This command opens objects as follows:

Object Representation reference Connection Structure
Product 3D Shape

All connections except Engineering Connections related to (at least) one component which is not opened in session.

All the selected objects are expanded.
3D Part
Engineering Specifications
Materials When Shading with Material is activated, any open action from any application (for example Search, Content Chooser, etc.) loads the product with the whole material data. All the existing open options are kept. The material data is added independently of the other options.
PPR All representations

All connections except Engineering Connections related to (at least) one component which is not opened in session.

All the selected objects are expanded.
RFLP All representations

All connections except Engineering Connections related to (at least) one component which is not opened in session.

All the selected objects are expanded.
  • Opening an object already loaded in an authoring tab keeps the modifications that have already been made to this object.
  • When opening the subcomponents of an object, the subcomponents are loaded and become visible in all tabs where this object is visible.
  • Animations/Replays cannot be opened using the Open command as they are not automatically loaded. The Open Advanced... command should be used instead.
Important: Minor Revisions
  • By default, the Open command opens the Best So Far minor revision of the object.
  • If a minor revision is already opened and if the user opens another minor revision, this other minor revision will not open. In this case, the message "ObjectName: this object has not been opened as another minor revision of the object is already present in the session" is displayed to the user.
  • For data in the session that references these unopened minor revisions:
    • Minor-insensitive links will be automatically rerouted on the minor revision opened in the session.
    • Minor-sensitive links will be broken and you must explicitly reroute them.
Important: Representations

You can selectively open representations by:

  • Selecting or removing in a navigation tab the representations to be opened in an authoring tab.
  • Applying a filter in the navigation tab on the representations to be opened in an authoring tab.
  • Combining a manual selection and a filter on the representation to be opened in an authoring tab.

Selective Loading

When opening a 3DEXPERIENCE component and as long as exact geometric data is not required, only a light representation of the component is loaded.

This state is called "Visualization Mode". Please note that in this mode, only result geometry (visual geometry) is available. NoShow elements are not accessible.

When interactions (Tree expansion, specific commands...) require an additional information, necessary additional data will be loaded, thus switching state to "Edit Mode".

Multi-Instantiated Nodes

When opening objects in context from a navigation tab, in case of multi-instantiated nodes, each instance of the node opened in the authoring tab contains all the objects selected in the different instances of the node in the navigation tab.

Therefore, if you select different objects in different instances of a multi-instantiated node, all of them are loaded under each opened instance of the node. In the following example, R1.1 and R1.2 are the same node instantiated twice under R0. If you select R3 in the first instance of the node, and R2 in the second instance of the node, both R2 and R3 are opened under R1.1 and R1.2 in the authoring tab: