Before running the CATUpdateVisuStreams, you must define the
parameters to be applied.
Note that the batch-specific online help can be accessed directly from the
CATUpdateVisuStreams interface by clicking ?
in the top-right corner.
to search for
the objects you want to process. See Searching for Objects for more information.
- Optional:
To remove an object from the search results, select it then click
In the Selected Operation area, select the stream type (CGR or UV) to be regenerated
by clicking the appropriate option.
In the Tessellation Settings list, select how the streams are
to be regenerated:
- Preexisting with Cache: the stream is regenerated using
the object's tessellation mode and accuracy. If a tessellation cache is available, it
is used to avoid regenerating the entire stream.
- Preexisting without Cache: the stream is regenerated
using the object's tessellation mode and accuracy. The tessellation cache, if any, is
not taken into account.
- Custom: lets you modify the tessellation mode and the
sag accuracy. For each option, the value stored in
the object is used by default:
- 3D Tessellation mode: leave the default, or select
Proportional, Fixed, or
- 2D Tessellation mode: leave the default, or select
Proportional or Fixed.
- 3D Accuracy: enter a positive decimal value.
- 2D Accuracy: enter a positive decimal value.
- 3D Curve accuracy: leave the default, or enter a positive
- Optimized Mesh: select a value between 0 and 6. The
higher the value, the better the optimization and the better (but also the
heavier) the mesh.
Click Run to start the batch.
In the Batch Monitor, access the Start
The name and location of the XML file containing the batch parameters you
defined in the previous steps are now displayed. If you run the batch in remote mode,
the name of the host computer is also displayed.
Access the Processes tab then double-click the required batch
from the list.
- Optional:
Click Open HTML Report
An HTML version of the report is displayed.
This command is activated only
when a report has been generated. You can still visualize the report by opening the
HTML file from the directory in which it has been saved.
Click Close to close the dialog box then
Cancel to close the
Select to exit the Batch Monitor.
To read the reports generated by the batch execution, access
See Defining the Batch Parameters for more information about this tab.