Viewing Objects in a Wall Environment

You can view objects at life-size scale in a configurable wall environment thanks to stereoscopy.

A "wall" is a planar surface made up of several screens or projectors onto which objects displayed. You can also use a joystick to navigate in your scene.

Before you begin:
  • In the Preferences, click Enable stereoscopic display.
  • To activate stereoscopy, follow the graphics card driver instruction.
  • You need appropriate licenses. Otherwise a 2D watermark is rendered above the object.
See Also
About XML Configuration Files
  1. Open a scene.
  2. From the AR-VR section of the action bar, click Immersive Wall Configuration .

    This command lets you configure your scenario only once. You can then activate or deactivate it when required through the Immersive Wall command.

  3. In the Display area of the Immersive Wall Configuration dialog box, define the appropriate Interpupillary Distance.

    This option lets you define the distance between the two eyes of the user (in millimeters). The measured interpupillary distance (IPD) is then applied to the stereoscopic rendering process to ensure the best visual comfort when displaying the scene.

  4. Optional: Click Show Action Bar to be able to use the Full Screen for Design mode.

    For more information, see Managing the Scene Layout.

  5. In the Navigation area, set the speed factor used when accelerating or decelerating transitions (in meters per second).
  6. In the Immersive Environment Files area, click the + button, and then browse your file tree to select the XML file to be used.

    You can add several files to the list. You can also remove a file from the list by selecting it, then clicking the - button.

    • Samples of XML configuration files (names starting with "Immersive_Wall_") are provided in C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B424\win_b64\resources\xml.
    • The structure of the XML configuration file must follow the IVConfiguration.xsd file.
    • The configuration file list is stored in the preferences files and is retrieved next time you access the Immersive Wall Configuration dialog box.

  7. Optional: In the Model Scale area, select the scale at which the scene is displayed.
  8. From the AR-VR section of the action bar, click Immersive Wall to run your scenario.
  9. Navigate in your model.
  10. Right-click then clear Full screen to quit the command.