Defining the Level of Detail and the Pixel Culling

You can dynamically improve the visualization performance while moving objects.

To do so, you can define:

  • The level of detail (LOD) you want to view in your geometry while moving using the Define Dynamic Level of Detail command.
  • The size in pixels of objects to be hidden/displayed in your geometry while moving using the Define Dynamic Pixel Culling command.

These two commands allow you to modify more quickly the values set in the Performance section. However, bear in mind that the values you define here apply only to your current session, contrary to the values defined via the Performance tab which are stored in your options files and thus, are kept from one session to another unless they are explicitly modified.

Before you begin: For the Define Dynamic Level of Detail command, tessellated representations may contain LOD. If they do not contain LOD, the command is irrelevant and cannot be used.
  1. Add the Define Dynamic Level of Detail command to the action bar.

    See Manage User-defined Sections from the Customize Dialog Box.

  2. Repeat the previous step for the Define Dynamic Pixel Culling command.

    These commands are identified by two different icons:

    • identifies Define Dynamic Pixel Culling
    • identifies Define Dynamic Level of Detail.

  3. Set your own values either by entering them directly in the corresponding box or using the arrows:
    • For pixel culling, enter a value comprised between 0 and 40. The higher the value, the more quickly you can move large parts.
    • For level of detail, enter a value comprised between 0 and 40. The higher the value, the lower the level of detail.

    Important: You can use these two commands simultaneously or separately, as needed. However, if the Level of detail or the Pixel culling option has been locked by your administrator in the Performance tab, you cannot define dynamically the level of detail or the pixel culling because the corresponding command (Define Dynamic Level of Detail or Dynamic Pixel Culling) is unavailable.

  4. Perform a viewing operation, for example, pan or rotate your object.

Your new values have been taken into account.