In 3DEXPERIENCE design range management is supported in relational design.
Relational design allows you to use elements that are external to the product you are designing, such as 3D part representations.
These external references can be designed either in large range or normal range. When using an external reference defined in large range in the context of a normal range product, the geometry that is outside the range bounding box is clipped so that it fits the current design range.
Designing a Normal Range 3D part in the context of Large Range product
Consider the figure above where:
The orange curve belongs to a part designed in large range
The blue axis system is the origin of the normal range part
The bounding box of the normal range part is represented by a cube whose edge length is 2km.
Any geometry that belongs to the normal range part cannot extends out of 1km from the origin in the 3 directions X, Y, Z.
If you create an external reference of the orange curve that is partially outside of the bounding box, it is clipped during the import operation to fit in the bounding box.