Context Menus

Context menus provide convenient access to commands. To see the menus, right-click an object or item.

This page discusses:

Structure Comparison Commands

Open With

Opens the selected object in another app or CAD.

Expand All
Expands all the children of the selected object.

  • This command is only available in tree view.
  • The parent nodes containing only one 3D shape remain collapsed. You can expand them manually to display the 3D shape.

Expand N Levels
Expands N levels of the selected objects.

  • This command is only available in tree view.
  • The parent nodes containing only one 3D shape remain collapsed. You can expand them manually to display the 3D shape.

Collapse All
Collapses all the children of the selected object.

  • This command is only available in tree view.
  • When you use the - sign to manually collapse a node, only this node is collapsed, and not the children under it. If you expand the node again, the children that were expanded are still expanded.

3D Viewer Commands

Focus On
Focuses on a selected object in the 3D viewer, and highlights it simultaneously in the structure comparison.
Note: In isolate mode, the object is not highlighted in the structure comparison. For more information, see Choosing Preferences.
To restore the view of the whole model, click Reframe from the action bar. For more information, see View Section.
If you selected several objects, a label appears at the top of the 3D viewer, with the number of selected objects. Left and right objects are considered as selected independently.

Click the arrows to focus on the next or previous selected object.

To restore the view of the whole model, click Close .
Reframe On
Centers the selected object in the viewer.

To restore the view of the whole model, click Reframe from the action bar. For more information, see View Section.