Equivalents Window

This section lists the supplier equivalent parts (SEPs) for an enterprise part or manufacturer equivalent part (MEPs)and vice versa.

Since MEPs exist to manage the manufacturer's part data without having an actual MEP supplier equivalent parts in the system, they are shown with the part name, type, and revision fields blank.

This page discusses:

Supplier Equivalent Tab

If you viewing Supplier Equivalent part, the tab shows a list of all the manufacturer equivalent, and standard parts.

Parts Tab Actions Description

Create Part

To create a new part. See Creating a Part.

Add Existing

To add an existing part from the database.


To remove an associated equivalent part.

Part Equivalent Tab

If you are viewing a standard part, this tab shows a list of all manufacturer and supplier equivalent parts.

Manufacturer Equivalent Tab Actions Description

Create Manufacturer Part

To create a new manufacturer equivalent part.

Add Existing

To add an existing part from the database.


To remove an associated equivalent part.


To create MEP Qualification.

Manufacturer Equivalent

If you are viewing a manufacturer equivalent part, the tab shows a list of all standard and supplier equivalent parts.

Supplier Equivalent Tab Actions Description

Create Supplier Equivalent Part

To create a new part. See Creating Supplier Equivalent Parts.

Add Existing

To add an existing part from the database.


To remove an associated equivalent part.


To create SEP Qualification.