About Composites Link Batch Export

Below are listed parameters and values required to run CATSLTAnaTranBatchCore.exe.

See Also
Composites Link - Exporting Files in Batch Mode

The following parameters are required to access the 3DEXPERIENCE server.

-PLMSecurityCtx = security context, CollaborativeSpace.Organisation.Role e.g. "
VPLMProjectLeader.Company Name.DemoDesign"
-PLMRepository = PLM1
-PLMServer = machineName:portNumber/url
-PLMUserID = userName on the 3DExperience server
-PLMPassword = user's password on the 3DExperience server
-PLMEnvironment = ENOVIA_PLM_Express
-PLMPartVersion = "versionString"

The following parameters are required to export plies.

Parameter Type Valid values Default Comments
CLCommand String ExportPlies ExportPlies Batch command name
PLMPart String - (user supplied) Name of Part
SelectGroup String - -

Selected ply groups, separated by commas.

If no groups are selected, the entire stacking is exported.

ExcludeMaterial String - - Materials to be excluded, separated by commas
MaterialRenameFile String - - Name of material rename file
Mesh SurfaceTessellation, CoreSampling SurfaceTessellation -
MeshFile String - -

Name of the file that contains the external mesh

(if 'CoreSampling' is selected)

MeshFileFormat String BDF, Layup, CDB, INP BDF

Source format of the external mesh

(if 'CoreSampling' is selected)

CoreSampleDistance Double >0 10.0 Distance from centroid to look for plies
IncludeCores Integer 0, 1 - Specify whether solids defined as 'cores' are included in Composites Design
TessellationSagValue Double >1.0e-6 0.05 Tessellation sag value in mm
TessellationStepValue Double >0 0.0 Tessellation step value in mm
ExportOffsets Integer 0, 1 0 Flag to export surface offset
IgnoreWarnings Integer 0, 1 0

Flag to ignore core sample warnings.

Set to 1 to force writing of output despite errors.

FiberAngles String
RegeneratedTheoretical Method to define the fiber angles
ExportFileFormat String Layup, Abaqus, Nastran Layup Format of export file
ExportFileName String - (user-supplied, including extension) Name of export file
OutputMatOrientation String MCID, THETA THETA Method to define the coordinates system in the output file
OutputMatCoordSystem String - - Name of the coordinates system in the output file
OutputAngleTolerance Double >0.0 5.0 Angle tolerance in the output file
OutputThickTolerance Double >0.0 - Thickness tolerance in the output file
OutputIgnoreThickness Integer 0, 1 1 Specify whether to ignore thickness changes in output file
OutputEquallySpacedData Integer 0, 1 0 Use equal spacing when grouping data
OutputWriteGlobalPlies Integer 0, 1 0 Use global ply IDs in output file
OutputSectionOffset String DEFAULT, TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM - Offset of section in output file
OutputWritePlyComponents Integer 0, 1 0 Write ply components in output file
OutputWriteMatComponents Integer 0, 1 0 Write material components in output file
OutputFirstPlyID Integer >0 - Starting ID for plies in output file
OutputFirstGPlyID Integer >0 - Starting ID for global plies in output file
OutputFirstCoordID Integer >0 - Starting ID for coordinates in output file
OutputFirstSectionID Integer >0 - Starting ID for sections in output file
OutputFirstMatID Integer >0 - Starting ID for materials in output file
OutputFirstNodeID Integer >0 - Starting ID for nodes in output file
OutputFirstElementID Integer >0 - Starting ID for elements in output file
OutputReverseElements Integer 0, 1 0 Reverse elements in output file
OutputPartName String - - Part name in output file
OutputExtrusionOption String NONE, SINGLE NONE Extrusion for output file