Composites Link - Exporting Files in Batch Mode

You can export files without opening 3DEXPERIENCE to automate data transfer between tools.

The batch process is as follows:

  • Composites Design: Create the ply design in the stacking.
  • Run Composites Link in batch mode (CATSLTAnaTranBatchCore.exe):
    • Reads the ply stacking for the part file.
    • Exports the layup file based on tessellation.
  • FEA: Map the layup file on the existing mesh, for example, using Composites Modeler for Abaqus/CAE.

Layup files are created using a command file that sets the parameters needed for the translation. The command file can be created with any text editor.

Note: The syntax is very important:
  • Be careful with quotes.
  • Enclose names containing blank within triple quotes, for example:
    -ExportFileName """C:\Documents and Settings\username\My

Before you begin: For more information, see Choosing the Batch Run Mode.
  1. Create a text file with the parameters and values you need, and use the option -DefaultOptionsFile options_file where options_file is a text file containing the parameters and their values (one line per parameter -parameter_name = parameter_value).

    For more information, see About Composites Link Batch Export.

    • This step is not mandatory but highly recommended for an easy management of parameters.
    • Parameters names and values are case sensitive.
    • If the file contains a parameter without a set value, the default value is used.
    • Parameters starting with Output apply to the options for solvers (the output is not a layup).
    • Parameters controlling IDs specify the start point of numbering in the output file.

      If left blank or negative, the translator automatically set an appropriate ID.

    Example of option file:
    -OutputExtrusionOption = NONE
       -OutputFirstCoordID = 1
     -OutputFirstElementID = 
        -OutputFirstGPlyID = 1000
  2. Create the command file (for example CLBATCH.cmd) to run 3DEXPERIENCE using CLBATCH instead of 3DExperience.exe.
    For example:
    C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B423\win_b64\code\bin\CATStart.exe -env
    name_of_configuration -direnv "C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\CATEnv"
    -run "CATSLTAnaTranBatchCore.exe -CLCommand ExportPlies -DefaultOptionsFile
  3. Run the batch.

Example: For

  • An input part named Part.1 stored on 3DEXPERIENCE server myServer:10490/eMatrix .
  • With the output file named blade_batch.Layup.
  • And the exported file is based on a tessellated model requiring a mapping into the Analysis tool.
the default option file (OptionsFile.txt) would look as follows:
               -CLCommand = ExportPlies
      -CoreSampleDistance = 7.5
         -ExcludeMaterial =
        -ExportFileFormat = Nastran  
          -ExportFileName = c:\work\myComponent.bdf
           -ExportOffsets =
             -FiberAngles = RegeneratedTheoretical
          -IgnoreWarnings = 1
            -IncludeCores = 0
      -MaterialRenameFile = c:\work\myComponent\renameMaterials.csv
                    -Mesh = CoreSampling
                -MeshFile = c:\work\externalMesh.bdf
          -MeshFileFormat = BDF 
    -OutputAngleTolerance = 5.0
 -OutputEquallySpacedData = 0
   -OutputExtrusionOption = NONE
      -OutputFirstCoordID = 1
    -OutputFirstElementID = 2
       -OutputFirstGPlyID = 1000
        -OutputFirstMatID =
       -OutputFirstNodeID =
        -OutputFirstPlyID =
    -OutputFirstSectionID =
   -OutputIgnoreThickness = 1
    -OutputMatCoordSystem =
    -OutputMatOrientation = THETA
          -OutputPartName = "AbaqusPartName"
   -OutputReverseElements = 0
     -OutputSectionOffset = DEFAULT
    -OutputThickTolerance = 5.0
  -OutputWriteGlobalPlies = 0
-OutputWriteMatComponents = 0
-OutputWritePlyComponents = 0 
             -SelectGroup =
    -TessellationSagValue = 0.1
   -TessellationStepValue = 0.1
          -PLMSecurityCtx = VPLMProjectLeader.Company Name.DemoDesign
           -PLMRepository = PLM1
               -PLMServer = myServer:10490/eMatrix
               -PLMUserID = userName
             -PLMPassword = user's password on the 3DExperience server
          -PLMEnvironment = ENOVIA_PLM_Express
          -PLMPartVersion = ---
                 -PLMPart = Part.1