About Skin Swapping

Here is more information about the skin swapping modes and the inversion of the stacking order.

This page discusses:

Swapping Mode

Several swapping modes are provided.

Content before swapping skins:

The command performs a projection perpendicular to the destination surface. The projection of the engineering geometry of the ply from the engineering surface to the manufacturing surface is only performed on the nearest portion of the manufacturing shell.

The command performs a projection perpendicular to the origin surface.

This option provides a complete flatten view of the Composite plies that is then put in actual shape during manufacturing. The resulting contour is the same result as a geometry transfer between the folded and the unfolded surface.

By default, this option is selected.

  • The surface supporting the selected plies must be an unfolded surface of the destination surface, or the destination surface must be an unfolded surface of that supporting the plies. If this is not the case, selection is impossible and an error message is displayed.
  • The unfolded surface must have been created with Surface type set to All.
Wrap curve
See Swapping the Skin with Wrap Curve.

Invert Stacking Order

The inversion of the stacking order depends on your selection.

If you have selected a stacking:

  • The order of plies groups is inverted (the first becomes the last, the second becomes first before last).
  • Then, in each plies group, the order of sequences is inverted in the same way.
  • Then in each sequence, the order of the plies is inverted in the same way.

If you have selected a plies group:

  • The order of sequences is inverted (the first becomes the last, the second becomes first before last).
  • Then in each sequence, the order of the plies is inverted in the same way.

If you have selected a sequence, the order of plies is inverted (the first becomes the last, the second becomes first before last).