Ply_Surface_Must_Match_Ply_Group_Surface |
Verifies that the plies of a plies group and the plies group
itseflf are located on the same surface. If not so, the affected plies are rated as
incorrect. |
Ply_and_Core_Definition |
Verifies that certain properties of plies and core definitons for
Composites correspond to the requirements. If not so, the affected plies are rated as
incorrect. |
StdPlyDefinition |
Verifies that the contours of plies are valid, meaning that the
contours are geometrically closed and up-to-date. If not so, the affected plies are
rated as incorrect. |
Ply_Draping_Direction_Must_Match_Ply_Group_Draping_Direction |
Verifies that the draping direction of ply is the same as the
draping direction of the plies group. If not so, the affected plies are rated as
incorrect. |