Quality Rules Management

You can run predefined checks on a model to assess the quality of its geometry. Depending on the profiles created by an administrator in Quality Rules Configuration, the list of checks you can use is available in the Quality Rules Reuse app.

For more information, see Quality Rules Collection.

Quality Rules Description
Ply_Surface_Must_Match_Ply_Group_Surface Verifies that the plies of a plies group and the plies group itseflf are located on the same surface. If not so, the affected plies are rated as incorrect.
Ply_and_Core_Definition Verifies that certain properties of plies and core definitons for Composites correspond to the requirements. If not so, the affected plies are rated as incorrect.
StdPlyDefinition Verifies that the contours of plies are valid, meaning that the contours are geometrically closed and up-to-date. If not so, the affected plies are rated as incorrect.
Ply_Draping_Direction_Must_Match_Ply_Group_Draping_Direction Verifies that the draping direction of ply is the same as the draping direction of the plies group. If not so, the affected plies are rated as incorrect.