Retrieving the Properties of a Beam Section

You can compute beam properties from ply sections defined on your models, to analyze the structure using finite elements.

In a beam model, the finite element analysis requires information about the structural behavior of the beam, namely how it responds to loads. These properties of the beam depend on the shape and size of the beam and the material properties. In the case of a Composites structure, this can be a very complex problem, as the cross-section may contain many plies, using different materials that have non-isotropic properties.

Section Properties proposes an easy way to compute these properties. From the intersection of a plane with a cross-section you have defined, Section Properties computes the outline of the cross-section. The section is displayed in the 3D area while the Composites layup is retrieved to compute the required properties. You can then export the properties to a spreadsheet.

  • This task is available in Composites Design
  • Ply sections must exist.

  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Section Properties .
  2. In the dialog box, select the sections to process.
  3. Select a coordinates system to define a frame of reference.

    • Its X-axis and Y-axis are projected on the section plane.
      Note: All sections need to be parallel to that XY plane.
    • The intersection of its Z-axis with the section plane defines the origin used to compute the properties.
    • If you do not select a coordinates system, Section Properties uses the origin and the axes of the section plane instead. In that case, it is your responsibility to define a consistent plane.

  4. Click ... to enter the path and the name of the spreadsheet to create.

The following beam properties are exported to the spreadsheet.

Parameter Name in the SpreadsheetDescriptionSupported in Analytical Solution
Section NameName of the cross section (string)-
EAverage Youngs modulusYes
AREACross-sectional areaYes
EAAxial StiffnessYes
El11Bending stiffness for axis 1Yes
El12Cross bending stiffnessYes
El22Bending stiffness for axis 2Yes
GJTorsional stiffnessNo
MASSMass per unit lengthYes
I11Moment of inertia for axis 1Yes
I12Moment of product of inertiaYes
I22Moment of inertia for axis 2Yes
XY1mBeam center of mass, xYes
XY2mBeam center of mass, yYes
GA11Transverse shear stiffness, axis 1No
GA22Transverse shear stiffness, axis 2No
GA12Transverse shear stiffness, cross productNo
XY1cBeam centroid location, xYes
XY2cBeam centroid location, yYes
XY1sShear center location, xNo
XY2sShear center location, yNo
AI11Area moment of inertia about 1-axisYes
AI22Area moment of inertia about 2-axisYes
AI12Area moment of inertia for cross-bendingYes
OxGlobal x position of section originYes
OyGlobal y position of section originYes
OzGlobal z position of section originYes
AX1xFirst component of section x-axisYes
AX1ySecond component of section x-axisYes
AX1zThird component of section x-axisYes
AX2xFirst component of section y-axisYes
AX2ySecond component of section y-axisYes
AX2zThird component of section y-axisYes