Import, Export, and Manage External Data

You can exchange (that is, import or export) content, either as file-based objects or as reference objects in a database repository.

The import/export in a file-based system only requires that you select the filepath, as described in Preparing for Import/Export of Files

Import/export from the database offers more actions, as described below.

This task shows you how to:

Search a VPM Document

You can search a VPM document from the database to import/export external data.

Start a search from the Content Chooser.
Search results depend on the command.
  • For Laser Projection Export, Laser Projection File Reader, and Ply Data Export zip type VPM Documents are proposed.
  • To export tabulated data, search is based on the selection in the Preferences.
  • To export non-tabulated data of xml type, only xml type VPM Documents are proposed.
  • To import tabulated data, VPM Documents with xls, xlsx and txt format are proposed.

Import Data from the Database

You can import external references from the database.

Note: Traceability does not apply to documents used for import.

  1. Start a search from the Content Chooser.
  2. Select Import.
    When importing tabulated data, the VPM Document is used.
  3. In Laser Projection File Reader, a VPM Document of zip type is proposed. If the zip document contains several files, select the file to use.

Export Data to the Database

You can export data to a new or an existing VPM Document.

Warning: When you export data to the same VPM Document several times, only the latest export data can be retrieved (Previous export data are overwritten by the new export).

  1. In the export field, enter a VPM Document name and click Export.
  2. Alternatively, use the list in the field to enter a new name, or use an existing name.

    By default, the field proposes a standard name for the VPM Document. The structure of the name is 3D Shape Name+3D Shape Revision+Exported Feature. For example, Grid-Approch-Simple A.1_Laminate where

    • 3D Shape Name is Grid-Approach-Simple
    • Revision is A.1
    • Feature is Laminate

    It also displays the names of VPM Documents already used for the 3D Shape.

  3. Alternatively, search an existing VPM Document in the database.

  • If the name you entered is different from the name of the VPM Document attached to the root reference, a new VPM Document is created and attached to the root reference.
  • If the name you entered is identical to the name of the VPM Document attached to the root reference, the existing VPM Document is used.
  • Created export files are added to the existing or new VPM Document.
  • For tabulated data, the exported data file is used to create the VPM Document.
  • For non-tabulated data exported from Laser Projection Export (.lg, .ply, .cal, .lpd, .xml) and Ply Data Export (.dxf, .igs, .xml):
    • Export of multiple files is supported.
    • They are created in one single folder.
    • A zip is created from this folder, and used to create the VPM Document.

Export is impossible in the following cases:

  • The VPM Document extension type does not match the selected export format.
  • The maturity of the VPM Document is Released.
  • You have not selected the latest revision of the VPM Document.
  • The selected VPM Document is already attached to another 3D Shape.

  • Explore the 3D Shape to verify that the created documents are attached to the root reference.
  • Save the 3D Shape to make attachments persistent.

Open a VPM Document from a Command

You can open VPM Documents from some commands.

  1. In the command, search, select, and open a VPM Document.
  2. Alternatively, in commands enabling export, select the Open after creation check box.
    The selected document opens in a new dialog box.
  3. If several documents exist, select each document from the list to inspect it.
  4. Select the view mode (Detail View, Tile View, or Thumbnail View).

Search Existing Export Data in the Database

You can search existing export data in the database.

  1. From the top bar, under Search, select Advanced Search.
  2. Specify the type as VPM Document.
  3. Click More Criteria.
  4. Under Created From, enter

Access the Properties of a VPM Document

You can use a context menu to see the properties of a VPM Document.

Right-click a VPM Document and select Properties in the context menu.
  • The Reference tab displays basic information such as Name, File Type.
  • The Revisions tab displays all the revisions of the selected VPM Document.
    • A VPM Document can have several revisions, which you can access from its context menu.
    • Exported files may exist for each revision of a VPM Document.

Access a File Inside a VPM Document

You can access a file inside a VPM Document and start several actions.

  1. Navigate inside a created or existing VPM Document.
  2. Right-click a file and select
    • Open

      Open uses standard Microsoft tools.

    • Download
    • Open for Edit
    • Update

Create and Manage the Lifecycle of a VPM Document

You can create and manage the lifecycle of a VPM Document.

  1. Manage the lifecycle of a VPM Document from Collaborative Lifecycle.
  2. To create a VPM Document:
    1. From the top bar, select New Content.
    2. Select Enginerring Document, and select the file to create the VPM Document.
  3. To remove a VPM Document from the database:
    1. From the Search box in the top bar, select My Content.
    2. Select the VPM Document to delete.
    3. Select Delete, and OK in the warning message.

      • Detach the VPM Document from the 3D Shape before trying to delete it.
      • Files inside a deleted VPM Document are also deleted from the database.

  4. To change the maturity status:
    1. Navigate to the VPM Document.
    2. From the Lifecycle section of the action bar, select Change Maturity.
    3. In the Choose Transition box, select one transition.

      Maturity status can be:

      • In Work - Export is allowed.
      • Frozen - Export is allowed.
      • Released - Export is not allowed.

  5. To add a revision
    1. Navigate to the VPM Document.
    2. From the Lifecycle section of the action bar, select New Major Revision.

Manage 3D Shape and VPM Documents

You can perform several actions between the 3D Shape and the VPM Documents.

  1. To visualize the VPM documents attached to the 3D Shape
    1. Navigate to the 3D Shape.
    2. From the context menu, select Document > Show Attached Documents
  2. To attach an existing VPM Document to the 3D Shape
    1. Navigate to the 3D Shape.
    2. From the context menu, select Document > Attach Existing Document
    3. Use the Content Chooser to select the VPM Document.
  3. To replace a VPM Document with the latest revision
    1. Navigate to the VPM Documents attached to the 3D Shape.
    2. From the context menu of the VPM Document to replace, select Replace Revision > By Latest
  4. To detach a VPM document attached to the 3D Shape
    1. Navigate to the 3D Shape.
    2. From the context menu, select Document > Show Attached Documents
    3. From the context menu of the VPM Document to detach, select Detach Document.

Manage the Lifecycle of the 3D Shape

You can change the maturity of the 3D Shape

  1. To change the maturity status
    1. Navigate to the 3D Shape.
    2. From the Lifecycle section of the action bar, select Change Maturity.
    3. In the Choose Transition box, select one transition.

    Note: The change of maturity of the 3D Shape is not propagated to the attached VPM Documents.

  2. To add a revision
    1. Navigate to the 3D Shape.
    2. From the Lifecycle section of the action bar, select New Major Revision.
    3. Under Propagation options, select the All documents check box.