From the Skin Swapping and Ply Extensions section of the action bar, click Material Addition Wizard
Select the Plies group to analyze.
Key in:
The Minimum length, that is,
the minimum cutting length of the machine.
The Tow width, that is, the
width of the tows/tape laid down by the machine.
- The Lateral Staggering value. It is used for the previews and generation of the material addition, not for the analysis.

- Optional:
Select Turn off to minimize ply crossing.
- If Turn off is not selected, the lateral staggering is computed.

- If Turn off is selected, no lateral staggering is selected, only the
minimum cut length is taken into account.

Turning the lateral staggering
off is different from setting it to 0:

- Optional: Select an analysis direction from the list.
- Optional: Click More... and select more criteria.
Key in the Required angle between
tangent and ply orientation, that is, the minimum angle that the ply
orientation must form with the tangents.
- Key in the Maximum distance with closest vertex used to group vertices.
- Decide which vertices (all, inner, or boundary vertices) will be considered by default.
Under Generation, select one shape to initialize the addition of
If a better balance of material addition is required, select Force alternate side.
- If Force alternate side is not selected, the material is added always on
the same side.

- If Force alternate side is selected, the material is added on one side,
then on the other.

Click Analyze.
For a nonsymmetrical usual shape, click the preview to change the side of the material
- For any Default usual shape, right-click the preview and select the required menu item:
- Ignore vertex
- The vertex is removed from the group and no taken into account during the
generation of the material addition.
- The lateral staggering is updated accordingly in the preview.
- Ignore group: The group is no taken into account during the generation of the material addition.
, , let you change the usual shape used for the material addition.- Other side: for a non-symmetrical usual shape, changes the side of all the material additions of the group.
- Click Generate.
The material additions are created in the work area, under .
They can be edited individually.