Generating the Plies from the Virtual Stacking

You can generate plies from the virtual stacking.

  • This task is available in Composites Design.
  • You must have created a virtual stacking.
  • For a problem-free generation of plies, verify that:
    • The cells are defined by a closed contour made of at least 2 reference elements.
    • The cells do not use more than two nodes per reference elements (L-shape cells are OK, U-shape cells are not).

See Also
About Drop-Off Pattern
  1. From the Grid Design section of the action bar, click Plies From Virtual Stacking .
  2. Select one or several virtual stackings.

    Note: Select a Grid container to select all the virtual stackings it contains.

  3. Set Plies groups options.

    If Merge plies groups at end is not selected, plies groups are updated if requested, provided they have been generated with the selected algorithm.

    If Merge plies groups at end is selected, Update existing plies group is always activated.

    • If a plies group corresponding exactly to the current selection of virtual stackings is found, the plies group is updated.
    • If none is found, a new plies group is generated.

  4. Select an algorithm.

    • Weight saving manages the drop-off pattern locally:

      The closest ramp support curves are used for the plies corresponding to the longest ramp entity. The drop-off pattern is managed ramp entity by ramp entity.

    • Minimum Crossing manages the drop-off pattern globally:

    • Minimum crossing & Weight Saving manages the drop-off pattern from three criteria, respectively length, height and surface (L*H).

    • Drop-off order
      • Uses the layer level of each virtual sequence as a drop-off order value to stagger plies. Layer levels must be unique. For more information, see About Laminates.
      • Or uses the Drop-off order defined on the ramp support. For more information, see Creating Ramp Supports.

      Drop-off pattern is not available with this option.

  5. Optional: Select a drop-off pattern.

    The drop-off pattern takes the orientation of plies into account.

    Note: A pattern can be defined in all propagation mode, except in MSS as drop-off orders are defined by desin in MSS.

  6. Optional: Select Drop plies with same layer level on same curve.
  7. Click Preview.

The ramp supports and the plies are computed:

See About Plies Creation from Virtual Stacking for more information.