Creating a Ply Book in Drafting

In Drafting, you can generate a ply book from the manufacturing Composites Design data structure.

  • Capability to choose which Composites entities are associated with the sheets created (one sheet per Ply or Cut-Piece, one sheet with all Cut-Pieces or one sheet per sequence).
  • For each new added sheet, creation of all the views corresponding to the reference sheet ones, in terms of quantity, types, and properties.
  • For each new created view, the link to the ply or sequence is replaced by the corresponding ply or sequence for the ply book.
  • Capability to choose and customize the "VB Macro" used for cartridge generation associated with all sheets.
  • Capability to choose between a generation mode or an update mode.
  • Update mode verifies entity names and order between work area and all the sheets.
  • Printing of all the sequence sheets is possible.
  • Additional views or sheets must be manually inserted in Drafting.

An error message is displayed if:

  • You have not selected an entity as input.
  • The reference sheet does not contain any view.
  • One or several reference views are not linked to Composites Design entities.
  • The Cartridge VBScript file does not exist.

This task shows you how to:

See Also
About Generative View Styles for Composites Design