Using Miscellaneous Virtual Stacking Tools

You can use the tools provided in the Virtual Stacking Tools Palette to select, cut, or copy rows in the Virtual Stacking table. Alternatively, right-click an element and select the required menu item.

Note: This task is available in Composites Design.

  1. When you have launched a tool from the Tools Palette, click Select to exit that tool.

    • When you start Virtual Stacking, Select in the Tools Palette is active.
    • Nothing happens if you click it.
    • When you start another tool, Select is de-activated and ready to be activated again.
    • When you click Select, the current action is ended.

  2. Click Repeat to start a tool in repeat mode.

    Repeat is available for:

    • Cell Valuation
    • Move Row
    • Swap Rows
    • Duplicate Row
    • Cut Row
    • Paste Row.

    1. Start one of the above tools.
      • The other tools are no longer available.
      • The current tool is marked Repeated in the Running Commands dialog box.
  3. Select Move Row from the Tools Palette.
    1. In the table, select the row to move.
    2. In the table, select the target row.
    The row to move is placed before the target row.
    Note: Works for nonsymmetric layers or for the upper symmetric layers only.
  4. Select Swap Rows from the Tools Palette. In the table, select one row, then another.
    The two rows are swapped.
    Note: Works for nonsymmetrical layers or for the upper symmetrical layers only.
  5. Select Duplicate Row from the Tools Palette and select a row (sequence or ply) in the table.
    The selected row is duplicated after the selected row.
    • For a ply (Ply.x), its name is Copy of Ply.x.
    • For a sequence (Seq.x), its name is Copy of Seq.x.
    Note: Lock symmetry is taken into account.
  6. Select Insert Blank Row from the Tools Palette and a row (sequence or ply) in the table. Also select at least one cell in the 3D area, to be covered by the new entity.
    • A blank row is inserted above the one you have selected.
    • For a sequence, the name is New Seq(xx+1).
    • For a ply, the name of the ply is New(Ply(xx+1), the name of the sequence is that of the sequence selected, the orientation name is that of the selected row, the field is grayed.
    • The Single row edition dialog box opens to let you edit this row.
  7. Select Cut Row from the Tools Palette and select one or several rows in the table.
    The selected rows are deleted.
  8. Select Copy Row from the Tools Palette and select a row.
    1. Select Paste Row from the Tools Palette.

      Paste Row can be used with Copy Row or Cut Row.

    The selected row is pasted in the table, before the target row, with the name Copy of xx.
  9. Select Select Row from Cell from the Tools Palette and pick a cell in the table.
    The whole row is selected.