Level | Displays the level to which the characteristic object is related. |
Item | Displays the name of the item to which the characteristic is related. Note:
This appears only in consolidated view.
Category | Displays the category to which the characteristic belongs to. |
Mandatory | Displays Yes if the characteristic is mandatory. |
Sequence | Displays the sequence number of the characteristic. |
Title | Displays the title of the characteristic. |
Dimension | Displays the dimensions of the characteristic. |
Minimum | Displays the minimum value of the characteristic object. |
Included Min | Displays one of the following:
- True: Indicates that you can enter the value ranging from the values specified in the Minimum and Maximum fields.
For example: If the minimum is 2 and maximum is 10, you can enter the value from 2 to 10, even 2 and 10. - False: Indicates that you can enter the value that ranges between the values specified in the Minimum and Maximum fields.
For example: If the minimum is 2 and maximum is 10, you can enter the value 2–10 but not 2 or 10.
Value | Displays the value of the characteristic object. |
Maximum | Displays the maximum value of the characteristic object. |
Included Max | Displays one of the following:
- True: Indicates that you can enter the value ranging from the values specified in the Minimum and Maximum fields.
For example: If the minimum is 2 and maximum is 10, you can enter the value from 2 to 10, even 2 and 10. - False: Indicates that you can enter the value that ranges between the values specified in the Minimum and Maximum fields.
For example: If the minimum is 2 and maximum is 10, you can enter the value 2–10 but not 2 or 10.
Display Unit | Displays the display unit selected for the characteristic object. |
Precision | Displays the measurement precision selected for the characteristic object. |
Priority | Displays the priority available on the characteristic. |
Description | Displays the description of the characteristic. |
Test Method | Displays the test methods related to the characteristic. |
Notes | Displays the characteristic notes of the characteristic. |
Missed Target Action Required | Displays the action to be taken care when the test target is missed for the characteristic. |
Characteristic Master | Displays the characteristic master from which the characteristic is created. |
Overwrite on Child Allowed | Indicates if overwrite is allowed on child. |