Where Used Category

The Where Used category lists the successors of Manufactured Items and Systems.

To access these pages:

  1. Search for the desired Manufactured Item or System reference. For more information, see Searching for Manufactured Items, Systems, and Operations.
  2. From the search results, click the name of the desired object.
  3. From the navigation pane, click Where Used. An expandable list of successors of the selected Manufactured Item or System appears.

See Also
Customizing the Table View
Exporting Data

The information about the selected Manufactured Item or System as well as its successors appears in a customizable table.

Note: You can click a cell content to display more information about the successors of a Manufactured Item or System reference.

Column Name Description
Title The name of the object. Click to view the Properties page of the selected object. For more information, see Manufactured Item, System, and Operation Properties.
Instance Name The name of the object instance.
Type The object type.
Rev The current revision of the object.
Description A brief description of the object.
State The current lifecycle state of the object.

Note: Column sorting capabilities are available as well as the capability to export the table to a csv file.