About Panels from Edges

This topic provides additional information about the creation of panel from edges.

See Also
Creating Panels from Edges
  • For the Standard type, choose between a tangent or normal panel.
  • For the Curved type, select one of the following Input mode options:
    • With angle: Select two inputs on the face (two points, a point and a fold face or two fold faces), and define the height, and the face of the volume to use as a support.
      Note: You can select a fold face twice to create the following panel:

    • From edge: Select an edge.
  • For the Definition mode option, select one of the following:
    • 3D dimension: The input elements define the folded result and the unfolded result is computed according to the half thickness rule.
    • Flat dimension: The input elements define the expected lengths in the unfolded result and the folded result is computed according to the half thickness rule.
  • For the Angle parameter, with a positive angle, the printed face is convex, and with a negative angle, the printed face is concave.
  • To create a tangent panel, select No in the With fold list and do one of the following:
    • Create the input sketch tangent to the support face for the Shaped panel and Profile types.
    • Specify the angle to zero for the Standard and Triangular types.