Creating Panels from Edges

You can create panels using the edge of an existing reference panel or extrusion.

Before you begin: Create a panel or an extrusion.
See Also
About Panels from Edges
  1. From the Model section of the action bar, click Panel From Edge .
  2. Select one or more edges on the panel.
    A preview appears.

  3. In the Type list, select the panel type and its associated parameters:
    Rectangular Triangular Trapezoidal Shaped Profile Curved
    From Edge With Angle
    Edge (mandatory) X X X X
    Edge (optional) X X X
    Mode X X X X X
    Specific mode X X
    Height X X X X
    Angle X X X
    With Fold X X X X
    Sketch X X
    Clearance X X X X
  4. In Panel parameters, define the following parameters for the panel:
    • Left and right limits
    • Offset
    • Left and right extremities

      If you select Standard, no extremity is calculated. If you select Round, define a radius.

  5. In Fold parameters, define the left and right extremities for the fold.
  6. Optional: Click Edit fold parameters and then select one of the following options:
    Use default parameter The fold parameter is linked to the default type defined in the carton parameters.
    Select from standard parameters The fold parameter is linked to a standard type defined in the carton parameters.
    Define local parameter The fold parameter is locally defined by selecting a vertex belonging to the profile.