Creating an Extrusion

You can start your first package by creating an extrusion from a sketch.

Before you begin: Define carton parameters. See Defining Parameters.
  1. From the Model section of the action bar, click Sketch and select a plane.The Sketcher app opens.
  2. From the Sketch section of the action bar, click Profile .
  3. Sketch a profile.
  4. Click Exit app to return to the 3D area.
  5. From the Model section of the action bar, click Extrude .

    The Profile, Fixed geometry and Grain direction fields are filled in. A preview appears.

    1. You can select another grain direction in the profile plane.
    2. You can click Invert grain direction to reverse the orientation of the grain direction.
    Note: The standard area element defines the unfolded view.
  6. Select the profile positioning option.
    Bottom Specifies the sketch at the bottom position of the extrusion thickness.
    Middle Specifies the sketch at the middle position of the extrusion thickness.
    Top Specifies the sketch at the top position of the extrusion thickness.
  7. Optional: To reverse the side of the printed face, click Invert.
  8. Define the extrusion type and value for both limits.
    Dimension Generates the extrusion using a sketch and a dimension.
    Note: A Mirrored extent option appears in Limit 2 when Dimension is selected for Limit 1. It lets you mirror the extrusion normally to the profile.

    Up to plane Generates the extrusion up to the defined plane. It is useful to create extrusions that are not rectangular.
    Up to surface Generates the extrusion up to the defined surface. It is useful to create extrusions that are not rectangular.
    Mid plane Generates the extrusion using a length that is equally divided between both limits of the extrusion. It is available only with Limit 1.
  9. Optional: To invert the direction of the extrusion, click Invert direction .
  10. In Folds, click Edit fold parameters and then select one of the following options:
    Use default parameter The fold parameter is linked to the default type defined in the carton parameters.
    Select from standard parameters The fold parameter is linked to a standard type defined in the carton parameters.
    Define local parameter The fold parameter is locally defined by selecting a vertex belonging to the profile.