Producing Drawings

You can generate an unfolded view of a shape in a drawing sheet.

Before you begin:
  • Make sure that the Generate axis option is selected in the Me > Preferences > Mechanical > Drafting > View tab.
  • To produce drawings with generative view styles, make sure that the Disable generative view style usage option is cleared in Me > Preferences > Mechanical > Drafting > Administration. Generative view styles make it possible to customize the appearance of drawings through a set of parameters defined in an XML file, DefaultGenerativeStyle.xml.

    For more information about the parameters specific to Structural Package Design, see Drafting User's Guide: Administration: Setting App-Specific Generative View Style Parameters: Structural Package Design Parameters.

  • Create a 3D shape containing carton features and open the Drafting app. Make sure that you have an appropriate Drafting license.
  1. Select Add > Drawing.
    The drawing sheet appears.
  2. Tile the windows horizontally.
  3. From the View Layout section of the action bar, click Unfolded View .
  4. Optional: To produce a drawing with generative view styles, select DefaultGenerativeStyle from the list.
  5. Select a plane in the tree.
    A preview of the view appears in the drawing.
  6. Click in the drawing sheet to validate the view creation.

    Note: A cutout created using the Standard thick type appears as closed, whereas a cutout created using the Manufacturing thick type appears as open. For more information, see Creating Cutouts.