Creating Rectangular Patterns

You can create rectangular patterns of a feature.

Before you begin: Create a panel with a cutout.
See Also
About Patterns
  1. Select the cutout as the object to pattern.
  2. From the Model section of the action bar, click Rectangular Pattern .
    Each tab of the Rectangular Pattern Definition dialog box is dedicated to a direction to define the location of the duplicated feature.
  3. In the First Direction tab, click the Reference element box and select the first edge to specify the first direction.
    An arrow appears on the panel.
    • To define a direction, you can select an edge or a planar face. If you select the face of a panel, the rotation axis is normal to this face.
    • You can click Reverse to invert the rotation direction. You can also click the arrow in the 3D area.
  4. In the Parameters list, select the duplication type and define the associated parameters for each type.
    • Instance(s) & Length: The spacing between instances is automatically computed based on the number of instances and the specified total length.
    • Instance(s) & Spacing: The total length is automatically computed based on the number of instances and the specified spacing value.
    • Spacing & Length: The number of instances is automatically computed to fit the other two parameters.

  5. Optional: In the Second Direction tab, define the same parameters as in the First Direction tab.

Tip: You can double-click the dots of the instances to remove. These instances are represented in dashed lines during the pattern definition and are no longer visible after validating the pattern creation. This capability is particularly useful for patterns including a large number of instances.