About the Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Trace Facility

You can enable the generation of a stacktrace to be passed as a parameter whenever a call from the Studio Customization Toolkit client is made into the 3DSpace kernel. This means that log output enabled by MX_VERBOSE_TRACE can include the Studio Customization Toolkit/client-side class (that is, the app, applet, servlet, bean, jsp page, or JPO) of any call, so that the origin of problematic Studio Customization Toolkit calls can be identified and fixed. In addition, when Studio Customization Toolkit origin tracing is enabled, its output is added to the output of the MQL server monitor command. (Refer to the MQL Guide for details.) Studio Customization Toolkit origin tracing can be enabled on the Studio Modeling Native Apps, XML client, 3DSpace Service, and JNI (RIP) architectures.

This page discusses:

See Also
Enabling the Studio Customization Toolkit Client
ENOVIA Live Collaboration Memory Management
Example of Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Trace Ouput

Tracing must be enabled on the Studio Customization Toolkit client (or Studio Modeling Native Apps) as well as the Web Server and 3DSpace Service layers. When enabled on the Studio Customization Toolkit client, the stacktrace information is created; when enabled on the 3DSpace Service, this information is printed to the server's log file (for the Studio Modeling Native Apps, it is created and printed to the local log file) and available for adding to the server monitor command output. The added information may result in greatly increased network traffic, slower performance, and consumption of server disk space, and therefore is not on by default, and should only be enabled when troubleshooting.

Studio Customization Toolkit origin tracing should not be enabled during production use, since additional machine resources are required.

When a problematic Studio Customization Toolkit call (such as a dangling transaction or a wildcard query) is identified, implementors should look at the verbose trace file for the stack trace string of that problematic call. This string will show the Studio Customization Toolkit origin page, bean, servlet, jsp page or app class.