Enable Tracing in the XML Applet
To enable the Web version of 3DSpace to generate a stack trace for all calls:
Enable Tracing in the XML AppletTo enable the Web version of 3DSpace to generate a stack trace for all calls: Enable Tracing in Custom Studio Customization Toolkit ApplicationsTo enable this level of tracing in the Studio Customization Toolkit client application:
Enable the Web/Application ServerTo trace all servlets and JSPs executed on the server: Uncomment the following line in your framework.properties file: ematrix.origin.trace=true This enables tracing globally for all context objects created. Note:
Alternatively, you can add this setting to a web.xml.part file (either by modifying the file in a blown-out WAR file or by using the application server's administration console to modify an already deployed web application).
When tracing JSPs, it is helpful to configure the web servers to "keep generated" Java code for JSPs. Consult your web server documentation for instructions. Enable the Live Collaboration KernelTo enable the 3DSpace Service or Studio Modeling Native Apps to print the stack traces into a file called matrixserver.log: Understand Studio Customization Toolkit ExceptionsThe freeContext.bosInterface call does not include a stack trace; it is called by the Java garbage collector. The allocExternalContext.bosInterface stack trace is supplied as a parameter to the call in verbose logging if Studio Customization Toolkit origin tracing is enabled on the client side (regardless of the MX_ADK_TRACEALL setting). If client side tracing is disabled, a blank stack trace is generated. To prevent unwanted network traffic: Ensure that the stack trace for allocExternalContext.bosInterface is blank, thus ensuring that the feature is disabled on the client side (JPO, applet, or web server). |