Global Refresh Dialog Box

Documents that are open in the active session appear in the Global Refresh dialog box.

To access this dialog box, in the CATIA toolbar, select 3DEXPERIENCE Platform > Global Refresh.

The Global Refresh dialog box lists the following documents:

  • Root documents of a structure (depending on the scope of selection, the active document, the root document of the current editor, or the root documents of all open editors in an active session).
  • Documents in the hierarchy of latest iteration of root documents, that are saved in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform (this can include existing child documents as well as the new documents).
  • Documents in the hierarchy of structure in an active session that are not available in the latest iteration of structure saved in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform (except those which are new).
Note: Child documents of the current structure in the active session, which are new documents (i.e. are not saved in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform) are not listed in the Global Refresh dialog box. By default, the scope is Active Document.

On the right area, preview images appear for the selected document. A preview of data present on the server is now available along with the preview of data in current session. Below the preview image, a summary of documents appears. Documents are categorized according to global refresh actions.

This page discusses:

Note: You can also click in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform toolbar, to access the Global Refresh dialog box.

Columns Table

Column NameDescription
StatusStatus of Refresh state of a document. For more information, see Actions for Listed Documents.
ActionRefresh actions available for a document. For more information, see Actions for Listed Documents.
NameName of a document.
TypeType of document in X-CAD Design Management.
Current RevCurrent revision of a document.
Current StateState of current revision of a document.
Updated RevLatest iteration of a document in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.
Updated StateState of latest iteration of a document in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.
Locked ByOwner of lock.
Note: Name of the owner of lock appears only if the latest iteration of a document is locked.
File LocationLocation of file on your computer.

Actions for Listed Documents

Document Status in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform and CATIAIcon in the Status columnActions available in the Actions column
3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Root document is new.No action available.
3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Document is up-to-date.

CATIA: Not modified

No action available.
3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Document is up-to-date.

CATIA: Same iteration is modified.

By default, document is not selected for update and is indicated by .

Click to include the document for update. Documents included for update are indicated by .

3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Metadata is modified.

CATIA: Document is up-to-date.

By default, document is selected for update, and is indicated by .

Click to exclude the document from update. Documents excluded from update are indicated by .

3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Update is required for document.

CATIA: Document is not modified.

3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Update is required for document.

CATIA: Document is modified.

3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Document is either deleted or detached.

CATIA: Document is not modified.

is displayed for documents that are removed from its parents in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and has not local modification/but has local modifications.
3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Document is either deleted or detached.

CATIA: Document is modified.

is displayed for documents that are removed from its parents in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and has not local modification/but has local modifications.
3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Document is inserted or renamed.

CATIA: Document is inserted or renamed.

3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Document is inserted.

CATIA: Document (if present in active session) is modified.

  • The modification status is analyzed on the basis of iterations created in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for each changes. It's recommended to create a iteration after every modification which can be also be enforced by your administrator.

    Perform changes in a document by creating a iteration, for a global refresh.

  • Modifications to a document in an active session of CATIA are lost when you refresh that document.
  • If a document with the same file name is open in the active session (opened in the active session or is part of another structure in active session), all instances of the document are also updated with the latest iteration.
  • If you rename a document in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, the old document name appears as deleted, and the renamed document (new name) is inserted in the Global Refresh dialog box.