Document Status in CATIA V5

Icons are displayed in CATIA V5 specification tree to display the status of the documents in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. These status icons are used to ascertain whether it is okay to modify some document in session, by comparing the revision in session with the latest available revision in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

See Also
Refreshing the Document Status
This following section lists the icons displayed in the specification tree and the relevant status of the document:
Icon Status Description

Read only The document is in read-only mode.

Read only but modified The document contains modifications within the session, although it is open in read-only mode.
Warning: There is a risk of losing modifications.

Read only but modified by product structure synchronization This document is in read-only mode, but the product structure below it was modified since the last time it was saved. The product structure is mirrored inside the document and automatically synchronized when opened. Technically, the document is modified, but it is not necessary to save the modifications, as synchronization happens anyway at the next Open.

File changed since open The file from which this document was loaded has been modified externally. (It has been overwritten.) If this icon is visible for a document checked out from 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, you might have a different version of the document checked out to the same location, or you might have modified the document on disk by some means other than a CATIA session. In either case, these actions are not recommended and may cause the loss of your modifications.

Broken Link on Partial Checkout CATIA cannot locate this file on disk and hence is unable to resolve this link. This shows that the assembly is incomplete or has been checked out partially.

Partial checkout occurs when you select only some components of an assembly structure. When performing Partial Checkout, the non-selected documents in the Checkout page are not transferred in the checkout directory.

When opening the top document in CATIA session, this icon is displayed in CATIA spec tree. The green color on the top right corner indicates that though this link is broken on disk, the document can be found in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Once the missing document is checked out, the broken link is resolved and is replaced with .

Not latest A later revision or iteration of the document open in the active session is available in 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
New Document is new in the active session. Save new documents to the local computer before saving them to 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

Up-to-date or latest without lock Document open in the active session is latest and unlocked in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

Up-to-date or latest with lock by a different user. Document open in the active session is latest and locked by another user in 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Up-to-date or latest with lock by the current user. Document open in the active session is latest, and locked by the active user in 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Unknown Indicates that there is no active session for the selected structure.

If Integration does not have information for the selected structure. For Eg: In case of File->NewFrom

An unknown status mark appears for an object that is saved in another collaborative space.

The integration can work in a mode where the lock status of 3DEXPERIENCE Platform objects are reflected by the read/write status of the files on disk. In this mode, documents that are not locked are accessible as read only and the read-only icons are displayed.