Renaming Embedded Components

You can rename new embedded components by entering a unique name or by using the AutoName option.

This task shows you how to:

Rename Using Manual Input

You can manually rename the embedded component in the Save dialog box.

  1. In the Save dialog box, click the name of the embedded component that has in the Status column.
  2. Edit name of the embedded component and press Enter.
    If the name is unique, , are replaced by , in the Status and Action columns, respectively.
  3. Click OK.
    The renamed components with the selected documents are saved to ENOVIA. For more information, see Saving Documents using Advanced Options.

Rename Using AutoName

You can rename one or more embedded components using the AutoName option in the Save dialog box.

  1. In the Save dialog box, right-click the selected embedded components and select AutoName.
    The Auto Name dialog box appears.
  2. Select a series from the Autoname Series list.
  3. Select to suffix the autoname to the current name separated by Append to the Original Name "_".
  4. Click OK.
    The Save dialog box is updated with the automatically generated names and the , are replaced by , in the Status and Action columns.
    Note: The embedded components are renamed in ENOVIA on saving them to ENOVIA and the specification tree in CATIA is updated with these names. Instances of embedded components are not renamed.