About Inserting Items

You can insert the items such as objects(reference, representation, documents, and unified materials), features, persistent queries, and component families in a chapter. You can add the items in the design contest using the catalog browser. For information about inserting component families in a chapter, see 3D Modeling Apps : Capture & Reuse Design Intent : Component Family : Instantiating Families Items : Catalogs of Component Families.

See Also
Inserting an Existing Object

It is not possible to perform the below given tasks for the items.

  • Create, copy/paste, cut/paste, or drag an item directly under a catalog.
  • Specify a revision of the item. Only the last revision of an item can be inserted.
  • Display the objects pointed by items in the catalog tree.
  • Insert any modified object (in session) under a catalog.
  • Remove the item (reference, representation, or feature) pointing to a deleted object from the catalog structure. If you try to access the item, a warning message appears indicating that the pointed object has been deleted.