About HTC© Vive™ Behaviors

When you create HTC© Vive™ actors, scripts are also created.

By default, these scripts are ready to use. To customize a script, you can edit it in the Behavior Editor. For more information, see About the Behavior Editor.

See Also
Vive Manipulator Script Properties
Vive Ray Script Properties
Vive Service Script Properties
Vive Teleport Script Properties
Vive Transform Script Properties
Vive Headset Camera Properties
Vive Controller Properties

Behavior Description
Vive Transform Script Applies the HTC© Vive™ device's position and orientation to its virtual representation in the experience.
Vive Ray Script

  • Displays the controller's laser pointer.
  • Manages click events. Additional events are sent if Enable Hovering is selected (depending on the actor's type, 3D actor or 3D UI actor).
  • Enables response of 3D actors when you hover over with the controller's laser pointer. In addition to click and drag, you can detect if the ray points to a 3D actor or if the ray no longer points to it.

Vive Services Script Improves performance in the experience:
  • Deactivates the default mouse picking mode (no mouse interaction is needed to navigate an experience with the HTC© Vive™)
  • Deactivates the main viewer's rendering (a dedicated window already shows the left eye of the HTC© Vive™ stream).
Vive Manipulator Script* Lets you manipulate 3D actors that are clickable in the experience.
Vive Teleport Script* Teleports yourself to the surface of the clickable object pointed by the laser pointer of the controller.
Note: The behavior prevents you to teleport yourself to surfaces tilted more than 20°. In such case, the ray become red and you are not teleported.
*These scripts are optional in your experience; you can remove them.