Vive Transform Script
Applies the HTC© Vive™ device's position and
orientation to its virtual representation in the experience.
Vive Ray Script
- Displays the controller's laser pointer.
- Manages click events. Additional events are sent if
Enable Hovering is selected
(depending on the actor's type, 3D actor or 3D UI
- Enables response of 3D actors when you hover over with the controller's laser pointer.
In addition to click and drag, you can detect if the ray
points to a 3D actor or if the ray no longer points to
Vive Services Script
Improves performance in the experience:
- Deactivates the default mouse picking mode (no mouse
interaction is needed to navigate an experience with the HTC© Vive™)
- Deactivates the main viewer's rendering (a dedicated window already shows the left eye of
the HTC© Vive™ stream).
Vive Manipulator Script*
Lets you manipulate 3D actors that are
clickable in the experience.
Vive Teleport Script*
Teleports yourself to the surface of the clickable object pointed by the
laser pointer of the controller. Note:
The behavior prevents you to
teleport yourself to surfaces tilted more than 20°. In such
case, the ray become red and you are not teleported.