Insert Actor Templates You can insert actor templates in an experience. To insert an actor template, do one of the following: From the Assemble section of the action bar, click Insert Existing Actor Template .In the tree, right-click the Templates node, and select Insert Existing Actor Template. In the results list, double-click the actor template. Tip: You can also insert actor templates by using 3DSearch. Enter the following search criteria: actx:*. In the results list, right-click the actor template and select Insert in Experience.
Insert Behavior Templates You can insert behavior templates in an experience. To insert a behavior template, do one of the following: From the Storytelling section of the action bar, click Insert Existing Behavior Template .In the tree, right-click the Templates node, and select Insert Existing Behavior Template.In the results list, double-click the behavior template.Tip: You can also insert behavior templates by using 3DSearch. Enter the following search criteria: bex:*. In the results list, right-click the behavior template and select Insert in Experience.