Instantiating a Power Copy From a Selection

You can instantiate a power copy from a selection.

Before you begin:
  • You must have created a power copy and saved it in database.
  • To access the models used in this topic, import the Bounding_Box_Reference_000.3dxml and the Bounding_Box_Destination_000.3dxml files located in win_b64\startup\Knowledgeware\3D Templates Samples\Sample1.
See Also
Instantiating a Power Copy from a Representation
Instantiating a Power Copy from a Catalog
  1. Search in the database for a 3D shape representation containing the power copy and open it.
  2. Open the destination product.
  3. Expand the template node in the representation containing the power copy and click it.
  4. In the destination product, click Instantiation from Selection .
  5. Click the corresponding input.
    The power copy is instantiated.