Configuring Operations Engineering

You can configure the default classification attached to the PPR contexts with the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget.

Before you begin: To access the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget, you must have:
  • The CSV license.
  • The Platform Administrator role.
  1. Open the Platform Management dashboard.

    Note: For more information, see Platform Management.

  2. Select the Content tab.
    The tab embeds the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. It provides you with centralized access to configure content behavior such as naming and revision rules, lifecycles, access rules, automation, and attributes, for all users on the selected tenant.
  3. In the left-hand panel menu, click Operations Engineering.
  4. Configure the PPR context classification attribute as required.

When you provide a classification name in the PPR Context Classification field, the attributes for this classification are filled in when creating a PPR context in Manufacturing Session Management.

Note: To provide multiple default classifications, separate the classification names with a comma.

For more information about the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.